Dear Members,
Welcome to 2014. Here’s hoping all members enjoy good heath and the fish are kind and more plentiful this year.
SUNDAY 16th March 2014.
Members of the community are welcome to attend our annual “free to the community’ Family Fishing Day at Shoal Point commencing about 9 am.
This blue ribbon angler education program is sponsored by Tackle World, Shakespeare Street. Attendees are requested to bring their own bait. If you need to borrow a fishing rod for the day please phone Glenn Fahy on 49 550665.
Please ensure that all children and adults are wearing sun smart clothing, bring your own water and sun screen lotion.
A complementary sausage sizzle and random prize draw will be conducted at lunch time.
We reserve the right to postpone the event if the weather is unfavorable – i.e. extensive rain, or blowing in excess of 15 knots.
Numbers are ticking along nicely with 18 new financial members in December.
The Seaforth Progress Association has lodged an application to the Mackay Regional Council for the installation of a light to ‘shed light’ on the boat ramp and pontoon at the Seaforth Boat Ramp. Apart from making the application, the nonprofit group is funding the project at an estimated cost of $15,000.
On behalf of all anglers we thank the Seaforth Progress Association for it’s generous gesture in the interests of the fishing fraternity. One only hopes that it does not suffer the same fate as the light at Freshwater Point where two lights and solar panels have been stolen thus adding another layer of costs to the Mackay Regional Council rate payers.
On the 20th of December 2013, Jason Costigan, the Member for Whitsunday phoned Lance Murray and said he would arrange a meeting in the new year to discuss our proposal. We will keep members and supporters in the loop.
RECREATIONAL FISHERS N.S.W. Expenditure Report 2012-2013.
Anglers spend a small fortune in the pursuit of their passion/hobby / past time. The latest economic survey conducted by the University of Wollongong called N.S.W. Recreational Fisher Survey, released in November last year illustrates the following.
2012- 773.000 adult anglers. ( similar angler numbers per Qld survey)
Gross expenditure $3.42 BILLION dollars of economic output.
$186.1 million dollars by VISITOR ANGLERS.
$1.625 BILLION spent on travel/tackle/boat related items.
Average daily expenditure per angler $154.
Annual expenditure per angler $768.15.
The complete expenditure document is available. Just give us a call and we will email you an E copy.
Lance Murray held an information meeting with the engineering department of the Mackay Regional Council on Friday 17th January.
Capital works are scheduled for Murray Creek. Half the car park will be ‘formalized’ (hard stand parking ) before the end of June this year, and the project completed subject to the availability of funding 14/15.
A concrete ‘overlay’ will be installed at the Grasstree Beach boat ramp to extend its’ life expectancy.
A new boat ramp at St. Helens (Carpet Snake Point) remains councils #1 priority, however it is unlikely that state funding will be available until 16/17.
MONTHLY MEETINGS – all are invited.
All members are welcome to attend our monthly meetings which are held at the Mackay Conservation Group office complex at 156 Wood Street (Shakespeare Street end ) commencing at 7 pm sharp on the 3rd Wednesday of each month – December in recess.
Welcome to 2014. Here’s hoping all members enjoy good heath and the fish are kind and more plentiful this year.
SUNDAY 16th March 2014.
Members of the community are welcome to attend our annual “free to the community’ Family Fishing Day at Shoal Point commencing about 9 am.
This blue ribbon angler education program is sponsored by Tackle World, Shakespeare Street. Attendees are requested to bring their own bait. If you need to borrow a fishing rod for the day please phone Glenn Fahy on 49 550665.
Please ensure that all children and adults are wearing sun smart clothing, bring your own water and sun screen lotion.
A complementary sausage sizzle and random prize draw will be conducted at lunch time.
We reserve the right to postpone the event if the weather is unfavorable – i.e. extensive rain, or blowing in excess of 15 knots.
Numbers are ticking along nicely with 18 new financial members in December.
The Seaforth Progress Association has lodged an application to the Mackay Regional Council for the installation of a light to ‘shed light’ on the boat ramp and pontoon at the Seaforth Boat Ramp. Apart from making the application, the nonprofit group is funding the project at an estimated cost of $15,000.
On behalf of all anglers we thank the Seaforth Progress Association for it’s generous gesture in the interests of the fishing fraternity. One only hopes that it does not suffer the same fate as the light at Freshwater Point where two lights and solar panels have been stolen thus adding another layer of costs to the Mackay Regional Council rate payers.
On the 20th of December 2013, Jason Costigan, the Member for Whitsunday phoned Lance Murray and said he would arrange a meeting in the new year to discuss our proposal. We will keep members and supporters in the loop.
RECREATIONAL FISHERS N.S.W. Expenditure Report 2012-2013.
Anglers spend a small fortune in the pursuit of their passion/hobby / past time. The latest economic survey conducted by the University of Wollongong called N.S.W. Recreational Fisher Survey, released in November last year illustrates the following.
2012- 773.000 adult anglers. ( similar angler numbers per Qld survey)
Gross expenditure $3.42 BILLION dollars of economic output.
$186.1 million dollars by VISITOR ANGLERS.
$1.625 BILLION spent on travel/tackle/boat related items.
Average daily expenditure per angler $154.
Annual expenditure per angler $768.15.
The complete expenditure document is available. Just give us a call and we will email you an E copy.
Lance Murray held an information meeting with the engineering department of the Mackay Regional Council on Friday 17th January.
Capital works are scheduled for Murray Creek. Half the car park will be ‘formalized’ (hard stand parking ) before the end of June this year, and the project completed subject to the availability of funding 14/15.
A concrete ‘overlay’ will be installed at the Grasstree Beach boat ramp to extend its’ life expectancy.
A new boat ramp at St. Helens (Carpet Snake Point) remains councils #1 priority, however it is unlikely that state funding will be available until 16/17.
MONTHLY MEETINGS – all are invited.
All members are welcome to attend our monthly meetings which are held at the Mackay Conservation Group office complex at 156 Wood Street (Shakespeare Street end ) commencing at 7 pm sharp on the 3rd Wednesday of each month – December in recess.